The County's current Five-Year CIP includes $159 million in projects that are currently funded. Of those, $37 million in projects are currently underway with an additional $48 million in projects anticipated to begin within the next 6 months.
Like many other entities, the County has suffered delays due to external issues such as lack of qualified bidders and supply chain issues. Regardless, we have continued to move forward to ensure that the Board's priority projects are being addressed. Additional information can be heard in Mr. Companion's presentation which is linked below. However, below are highlights of a few projects that may be of interest to our residents.
Transportation and Drainage Projects:
County Road 108 Safety Improvements
This project consists of resurfacing, striping and adding new signage and was broken into two phases. The first phase is the segment between Middle Road and US 17 project which is currently under construction and nearing completion. The second phase is between Bay Road and Middle Road which is also under construction and nearing completion.
Amelia Island Parkway Trail
This project consists of adding a multi-use trail from South Fletcher Avenue to 8th Street and will be done in four phases. The first phase is currently under construction and should be completed around May 2024. Bids for Phases 2 and 3 are anticipated to be advertised within the next 6 months. Phase 4 should be advertised to bid in the fall of 2024.
Pages Dairy/Chester Road Intersection
The County is currently working with CSX on a railroad agreement for work within their right-of-way. Once the agreement is executed, the County will advertise bid, hopefully before the end of 2023.
William Burgess Boulevard Extension
This project will connect US 17 to Miner Road, providing another route parallel to State Road 200. On the October 23rd meeting, the Board approved an easement within JEA's property for drainage purposes. It is anticipated to be bid-out before the end of 2023.
Henry Smith Road
This project consists of resurfacing and improvements to the 1.9 mile long, two-lane roadway from County Road 108 to US 1. This project has been sent for bid however all bids came back higher than the budgeted amount. Staff will be seeking direction from the Board about how to move forward.
Spring Lake Estates
This drainage project was designed in-house, however outside contractors are needed to complete the project. A contract was issued in mid-October and following a pre-construction meeting in the next few weeks, work will commence for Phase 1.
County Road 121
This project consists of multiple phases. The first phase is for reconstruction and resurfacing of the segment between the Duval County line and County Road 119. The bid for construction will be sent out in early January with the intention to begin construction in March. Phase 2-5 consists of resurfacing the segment between County Road 119 and US 1. The County anticipates advertising a Request for Qualifications for design within the next 6 months.
Pratt Siding Road
This project includes paving the 1.5 mile long, 2-land dirt roadway from County Road 115 to US 1. The design is completed, however the County is currently working with about 28 property owners to obtain additional right-of-way needed for the project to move forward.
Pages Dairy Extension
This includes extending Pages Dairy Road from Chester Road to Blackrock Road. This project was funded for design and construction in the 24/25 Fiscal Year. Staff is preparing to advertise a Request for Qualifications for the design process so that once funding is available, design-work can commence fairly quickly.
Amelia Island & Buccaneer Trail Roundabout
Construction of a roundabout will improve the intersection's safety and operation. The design process is nearing completion. During the Winter Strategic Planning Session, the Board will discuss when to fund the actual construction of the project.
Public Works Projects
Fire Stations 70 and 90
A site has been acquired on Old Nassauville Road for the new Station 70 (the Station 90 will be at its existing site on River Road). The design process is nearing completion and staff is working on obtaining the necessary permits. It is anticipated that construction for Station 70 will commence in November 2023 and Station 90 in December 2023.
Old Sheriff's Administration/Jail property on SR200
An environmental study has been completed and a contractor has been selected for removing/demolishing the portables. Bids for demolishing the main structure are due in November 2023.
Fire Station 20 Quarters Addition
This consists of design a new crew quarters at the existing station. The design process will begin in December 2023.
Parks & Recreation Projects
Westside Regional Park
The design process is completed and timbering (tree removal) has begun at the site. The County is preparing the bid packet for construction which should be advertised before the end of 2023. This timeline would have construction commencing in the first quarter of 2024.
Goffinsville Boat Ramp Improvements
This project is meant to improve capacity, user ease and safety at the launch facility. A study has been completed to address the eddy current. The design and specifications will take a year to complete. It's anticipated that work will commence at the end of 2024 to address the eddy current.
Nassau Crossing Park Improvements
A bid has been issued for the soccer field sod and irrigation. A bid is also being advertised by the end of the calendar year for construction of the splash pad area.
Sports Complex Improvements
Activities recently completed or currently underway at the various sports complexes include: improved player/spectator safety (netting and backstops) at all complexes; new bleachers with shade structures a all complexes; field lighting at the Callahan soccer/multi-purpose fields; and playgrounds at the Callahan, Hilliard and Bryceville Ballparks.
The CIP also includes $7.45 million in chip seal projects and another $24.36 million in pavement management projects. Chip seal is an alterative surface treatment used to create an asphalt layer and is often used on lower traffic volume roads. Pavement Management funds are used to improve/repair existing paved roads and increase their lifecycle.
Again, these are just highlights of some of the capital projects underway. To view the entire CIP including projects currently funded, as well as projects that have been identified as a need but still need dedicated funding, please visit our Capital Projects webpage.
-Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer