The competition began on October 1, 2013 with a virtual 2,000 mile trek from Pensacola to Key West. Participating individuals were asked to log their physical activities such as walking, jogging, and cycling in order for their steps to be tracked and credited to Nassau County. The competition is scheduled to end on May 31, 2014, however our employees have gone above and beyond and can often be seen walking around County facilities on their lunch breaks in an effort to obtain those "extra" steps. Because of their determination, we were able to complete the race quickly and are happy to announce that Nassau County was the 2nd County to cross the finish line. The county with the most overall steps when the competition ends on May 31st will be announced at the Florida Association of Counties Conference in June.
The nineteen individuals that participated will be recognized at the March 19, 2014 Board of County Commissioners meeting. Good job everyone! You are a wonderful example to all of us and reflect great credit upon Nassau County as a whole.