Ms. Jordi's work through the County Extension Office touches the lives of many people through her numerous newspaper and website publications, and through her monthly gardening and landscape courses, may of which are free to the residents. These classes provide homeowners with important information such as how to care for grass, trees, and flowers, and important tips on pruning, spraying insecticides, and selecting the correct type of plants for your landscape.
Under Ms. Jordi's leadership, the County Extension offers numerous programs including food and nutrition classes, 4-H, and Summer Camps. They also offer programs on a variety of topics to help local farmers such as how to start a small farm and how to care for livestock.
The County Extension has a very successful Master Gardener Program in which volunteers are trained through the University of Florida and provided with the knowledge and skills necessary to assist the Extension Office with their educational programs, allowing more citizens to be reached. In 2013, volunteers put in over 6,000 hours with a value of over $119,000.
Ms. Jordi was very surprised but also deeply honored for receiving Good Neighbor Award. She stated, "This award doesn't just represent me, it represents the contributions made by all the County Extension staff and volunteers to the residents of Nassau County, improving the quality of life for everyone living here".
Congratulations Becky! Your work reflects great credit upon Nassau County and we are all honored to work with such an exemplary person.
Pictured left to right: Gil Quarrier, Becky Jordi, and Commissioner Junior Boatright
-Sabrina Robertson
Nassau County Manager's Office