If you have any questions, please contact FDOT at (904) 476-8330.
-Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer
Welcome to beautiful Nassau County, located in the northeast corner of Florida along the Atlantic Ocean and Interstate 95. We are proud to serve as the Eastern Gateway to the Sunshine State. From our historic island, sandy beaches, and championship golf courses to our scenic rivers, green pastures, and majestic timberlands, we truly offer something for everyone.
5/28/24 @ 9:45 a.m. - The Florida Department of Transportation issued a Press Release on Friday, May 24, 2024, stating the the blue bridge on U.S. 17 over the St. Marys River will experience full, daytime lane closures beginning Tuesday, May 28th (today) through Thursday, May 30th from 9am-4pm for routine bridge maintenance. During the closure, motorists will not be able to cross.
If you have any questions, please contact FDOT at (904) 476-8330. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer
12/19/19 @ 3:15 p.m. - The Florida Department of Transportation has secured Traffic Control Devices, Inc., for intersection improvements at US 1 and Ratliff Road. The improvements include new traffic signal boxes, a new controller cabinet with backup batteries, IT Communication Equipment with Closed Caption Television for remote monitoring, new detector loops and illuminated street signs. They will also be installing 13 street lights which will be staggered along both sides of US 1 in the north and south directions of the intersection.
Construction will begin on Monday, January 6, 2020 and will last approximately 90 days. Motorists should expect miner traffic delays. The project manager is John Patterson and he can be reached at (904) 360-5576 with any questions or concerns. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office 12/18/19 @ 1:20 p.m. - The Florida Department of Transportation recently installed new pavement markings in front of Station 50 located at 542310 US Highway 1 in Callahan. Please note that these markings were placed to prevent motorists from blocking the driveway to the Station to allow rescue vehicles to get out quickly during an emergency.
FDOT has indicated that drivers have not been obeying the markings so they are increasing public outreach efforts to spread the word. Please review the graphic above and take note of the shape in the middle of the intersection. Remember that anytime you see this shape on the road, you should not stop your vehicle in that spot. Thank you for your attention to this matter and for ensuring that emergency personnel don't waste valuable time when responding to a call for service. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office 11/22/19 @ 11:10 a.m. -We were just notified that the State's Contractor, England Thims & Miller, is setting up an emergency closure of the westbound lane of State Road 200, just before Lofton Creek Bridge, to repair a large pothole that is developing within a pipe crossing area. The asphalt is on its way now and the repair itself will take about an hour to complete.
If you have any questions, please contact ETM at (904) 265-3170 or email Project Administrator, Carrie Smithheart at [email protected]. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office 10/24/19 @ 12:00 p.m. - We received the attached Press Release this morning from FDOT notifying us that the County Road 121 Bridge Repairs are complete and that it has been re-opened to traffic. The work included overall repairs to the structure, resurfacing of asphalt and guardrail installation.
If you have any questions, please contact Ray Hampton at (904) 476-8330 or via email at [email protected]. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office UPDATED August 12, 2019 at 4:20 p.m. - FDOT has indicated they are delaying the CR 121 erosion repairs until the railroad closures implemented by CSX have been completed. We will post the new date for work to commence once that information is received from FDOT.
8/1/19 @ 12:45 p.m. - The Florida Department of Transportation has scheduled erosion repair work on County Road 121/Baldwin and Saint George Road between Carroll Corner Road and Turkey Trot Trail. The work was originally scheduled to begin August 1st but has been pushed back to August 12th. Detours will be necessary to repair a bridge culvert damaged by erosion. The detour will take northbound and southbound drivers on County Road 121 to U.S. 301 via County Road 108 and Henry Smith Road. Electronic message boards will be placed on County Road 121. Motorists are encouraged to use the Florida 511 app to plan ahead. CDM Contracting, Inc., is projected to complete the $387,000 repair project by late 2019, weather and schedule permitting. For questions, please contact Bianca Speights with FDOT at (904) 360-5471 or via email at [email protected]. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office 2/15/19 @ 11:45 a.m. - Below is lane closure information for State Road 200 the week of February 16-February 22, 2019. NOTE: THIS INCLUDES DAYTIME LANE CLOSURES BOTH EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND BETWEEN CHESTER ROAD AND DUVAL ROAD.
FDOT has indicated these closures are necessary to finish the final steps needed for the traffic shift. SUBJECT: LANE CLOSURE INFORMATION Job Description: SR-200 Reconstruction (W of Rubin Rd. to E of CR 107 Scott Rd.) Financial Project Number: 210712-4-52-01 & 210712-4-56-01 Federal Aid Project Number: 4881064P Contract Number: T2579 County - Section Number: Nassau - 74060 SPECIFIC LOCATION OF THE CLOSURE: Daytime/Nighttime: ** These lane closures are necessary to shift the traffic safely. Once traffic is shifted and temporary barrier wall is set, lane closures will be removed.
REASON FOR THE CLOSURE (Type of Construction/Maintenance Activity): Traffic Shift (Striping Removal, New Striping, Relocate Low Profile Barrier Wall) Barrier Wall Removal & Reset PROJECT ENGINEER OR CONTACT PERSON AND TELEPHONE NUMBER: ETM Carrie Smithheart, PA Office: (904) 265-3170 Cell: (904) 509-9007 -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office 2/1/19 @ 2:45 p.m. - Below is lane closure information for the week of February 2 through February 8, 2019. NOTE: THIS INCLUDES A DAYTIME LANE CLOSURE TO THE LEFT WESTBOUND LANE BETWEEN CHESTER ROAD AND RUBIN DAVIS LANE ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2019.
Representatives from the Florida Department of Transportation told County Officials last week that they would do what they can do eliminate daytime lane closures, however the original agreement with the contractor did not require the contractor to do so. Nassau County will continue to urge FDOT to have this contract updated to eliminate daytime lane closures. In fact, Senator Bean emailed the project manager today requesting that the daytime closure this weekend not take place. At this current time, we are unsure if the daytime closure will actually occur, however we are sharing this as a precaution to keep the residents informed of the possibility. SUBJECT: LANE CLOSURE INFORMATION Job Description: SR-200 Reconstruction (W of Rubin Rd. to E of CR 107 Scott Rd.) Financial Project Number: 210712-4-52-01 & 210712-4-56-01 Federal Aid Project Number: 4881064P Contract Number: T2579 County - Section Number: Nassau - 74060 SPECIFIC LOCATION OF THE CLOSURE: Daytime:
Nighttime: For lane closures listed below, where right turn only is indicated, Contractor will be working in one intersection at a time. ** These lane closures are necessary to shift the traffic safely. Once traffic is shifted and low profile barrier wall is set, lane closures will be removed.
REASON FOR THE CLOSURE (Type of Construction/Maintenance Activity): Barrier Wall Repair Asphalt Paving/Overbuild Traffic Shift (Striping Removal, New Striping, Relocate Low Profile Barrier Wall) PROJECT ENGINEER OR CONTACT PERSON AND TELEPHONE NUMBER: ETM Carrie Smithheart, PA Office: (904) 265-3170 Cell: (904) 509-9007 2/1/19 @ 2:30 p.m. - A traffic shift for State Road 200 between Chester Road to Nassauville Road is scheduled for February 8-February 10, 2019. The eastbound traffic will be shifted to the newly constructed asphalt in the middle of the road to allow for re-construction of the old east bound roadway. This means that both directions of traffic in this area will now be on new pavement for the rest of phase of the overall project and not the old deteriorating roadway. This is very exciting news!
This is being done in conjunction with Phase II of the overall State Road 200/A1A Widening Project. Phase II is a 4.9 mile project between Rubin Davis Lane and Nassauville Road. This entire segment is anticipated to be completed the spring of 2020. If you have any questions, please contact England, Thims & Miller at (904) 265-3151. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office 1/18/19 @ 5:15 p.m. - Below is lane closure information the week of Jan. 19-Jan. 25, 2019. NOTE: THERE ARE NO DAYTIME LANE CLOSURES SCHEDULED AT THIS TIME.
SUBJECT: LANE CLOSURE INFORMATION Job Description: SR-200 Reconstruction (W of Rubin Rd. to E of CR 107 Scott Rd.) Financial Project Number: 210712-4-52-01 & 210712-4-56-01 Federal Aid Project Number: 4881064P Contract Number: T2579 County - Section Number: Nassau - 74060 SPECIFIC LOCATION OF THE CLOSURE: Daytime: None at this time Nighttime:
REASON FOR THE CLOSURE (Type of Construction/Maintenance Activity): Bridge Deck Concrete Pour PROJECT ENGINEER OR CONTACT PERSON AND TELEPHONE NUMBER: ETM Kent Ponder, P.E. Cell: (904) 497-8891 Jeremy Cronk, Senior Inspector Cell: (904) 497-3236 -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office |
January 2025