Established on December 29, 1824, Nassau County boasts a unique history and culture. From historic Amelia Island, sandy beaches, and championship golf courses, to scenic rivers, green pastures, and majestic timberlands, Nassau County truly offers something for everyone.
Looking to the Future:
Like many Florida counties, Nassau County has experienced significant growth. While growth cannot be prevented, it's important that policies are in place for protecting and enhancing key areas of importance while accommodating future trends. Over the past 18 months, the Board of County Commissioners have worked tirelessly on the Nassau Vision 2050, a collaborative process involving local leaders, residents, businesses, and stakeholders to shape the future of our community. This planning process and the resulting policies will be critical for the ability to promote and manage growth.
"All Voices, One Vision"
The BOCC is excited about the progress that has been made so far with the Nassau Vision 2050 initiative and looks forward to implementing future policy based on the collective feedback of Nassau County residents.
Nassau Vision 2050 efforts throughout 2024 included identifying what makes the community unique, establishing the vision of what Nassau County desires to become in the future, and providing the necessary baseline for updates to the County’s State-mandated Comprehensive Plan.
Community outreach efforts have included stakeholder interviews, community surveys, and 20 pop-up events around the County. In an effort to gain as much feedback as possible, the BOCC and Planning Staff have also been present at numerous large, community events throughout the year such as the Independence Day Celebration in Callahan, the Opening of the Beaches Event in Fernandina Beach, the County's Bicentennial Kick-off Event in Yulee, and County’s Annual Tree Lighting.
We look forward to wrapping up the Nassau Vision 2050 initiative and sharing the results with the community in early 2025. For more information, please visit
-Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer