10/28/21 @ 9:00 p.m. - If you're looking for another Halloween event this weekend, Nassau County Fire Rescue Local 3101 is hosting the 2021 Pumpkin Bucket Extravaganza Saturday, October 30th from 9am - 12pm at West Nassau High School. Kids can decorate their own Halloween bucket and trick or treat at the fire trucks. All buckets and decorating kit will be provided.
-Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer ![]() 10/28/21 @ 8:45 a.m. - Senator Aaron Bean issued a Press Release yesterday announcing that the Nassau County Legislative Delegation will hold a meeting on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers located at 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee, FL 32097. The purpose of this delegation meeting is to elect the incoming 2021-2022 Delegation Chair and Vice Chair, introduce a local bill and to take public input. Interested citizens wishing to be placed on the agenda for the Wednesday, November 10th public meeting are asked to contact Senator Bean’s Office at 904-757-5039, prior to close of business Monday, November 8, 2021. All materials or handouts for this meeting should be received by Senator Bean’s Office no later than Monday, November 8, 2021. Information can be mailed to 13453 North Main Street, Suite 301, Jacksonville, FL 32218 or emailed to Dee Alexander at [email protected]. In accordance with the ADA and Chapter 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons in need of special accommodations to participate in the meeting, including agendas, interpreters or assisted listening devices, should contact Representative Byrd’s Office no later than November 3, 2021. For additional information, contact Dee Alexander, Chief Legislative Aide for Senator Aaron Bean at 904-757-5039 or email at [email protected]. All Nassau County Legislative Delegation meetings are open to the public. The Board of County Commissioners will host a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. in celebration of the re-opening of the newly improved Crawford Rd. The improvements included paving the 6.5 mile-long, two lane dirt road connecting County Road 121 with the existing paved portion of Crawford Road, just west of US 301.
The $6.95 million project is critical to improving mobility, promoting job growth, and attracting industry to western Nassau County. The project is strategically located to become a future industrial and technological epicenter supported logistically by a robust roadway and railway transportation hub. The Board entered into an agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation in March 2014 for Small County Outreach Program (SCOP) grant funding to assist with project costs. The County held a groundbreaking ceremony on November 2, 2020 and has been anxiously awaiting its completion. District 4 County Commissioner and Chairman of the Board, Thomas Ford, “The paving of Crawford Road was long overdue. I am really excited for the citizens of Western Nassau. This investment not only makes our day-to-day lives better, but it also opens up the opportunity to attract high-wage jobs to our community. This project will benefit the citizens of Nassau for decades to come”. The Ribbon Cutting will take place at the intersection of the previously paved portion of Crawford Rd. and the newly paved segment, approximately one (1) mile west of US301. The public is welcome to attend. If you have any questions, please contact Engineering Services at (904) 530-6225. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 10/27/21 @ 8:45 a.m. - In case you missed it! The Planning Department will be presenting the SR200/A1A Corridor Plan "Timber to Tides Project" at a community meeting tonight.
In 2019, Nassau County began work on the corridor design study for 11 miles of A1A/SR200 from west of Police Lodge Rd. to the Shave Bridge. The goal of the study was to transform A1A/SR200 into a place that functions not only as a major roadway, but as a place that provides opportunities for living and working, and to create a sense of place in Nassau County based on our community's history, character, and quality of life. We listened to the community and crafted a plan that incorporates the community's ideas and addresses the issues that are important to you. Now, the Planning Department is seeking the community's thoughts on prioritizing the implementation. WHEN: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 TIME: 6:00 p.m. WHERE: FSCJ Nassau-Red Ben Center, 76346 William Burgess Blvd., Yulee, FL 32097 For more information, visit https://www.nassaucountyfl.com/951/SR200A1A-Corridor-Master-Plan-Draft. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 10/26/21 @ 9:30 a.m. - The Board of County Commissioners is currently seeking two volunteers to represent Nassau County on Arts & Culture Nassau. Formerly known as the Arts Council, Arts & Culture Nassau is committee formed by the City of Fernandina Beach to promote awareness, appreciation, enjoyment and the enhancement of arts programs and facilities.
Pursuant to City Resolution No. 2010-140, Nassau County is allowed two representatives to serve on the committee and expand awareness and appreciation of the arts across the County. The terms for Nassau County's current representatives expire in December 2021 and both have determined that they do not wish to be reappointed at this time. Arts & Culture Nassau meets on the first Monday of each month at 12:00 p.m. at the Atlantic Avenue Recreation Center in Fernandina Beach. Members are volunteers and do not receive any type of compensation. If you live outside of the City limits and are interested in volunteering for Arts & Culture Nassau, please e-mail a copy of your resume to [email protected] by the close of business on Friday, November 12, 2021. If you have any questions about the Committee, please contact Scott Mikelson with the City of Fernandina Beach at (904) 310-3356 or email [email protected]. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer ![]() 10/25/21 @ 4:30 p.m. Attached is the September 2021 edition of the Board of County Commissioners monthly newsletter. This monthly publication features a variety of information related to projects and activities for departments under the Board of County Commissioners. It also includes information about road projects, adopted policies and procedures, community outreach programs/events, budget discussions and more! If you have any questions, please contact the County Manager's Office at (904) 530-6010 or email [email protected]. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 10/25/21 @ 11:30 a.m. - Below are public meetings scheduled for this week:
Board of County Commissioners Monday, October 25, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Commission Chambers, 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee, FL 32097 Development Review Committee Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Commission Chambers, 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee, FL 32097 Redistricting Open House(s) Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Western Nassau: Callahan Multi-purpose Facility, 543350 US Highway 1, Callahan, FL 32097 Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Nassau: Emma Love Elementary School, 2200 Susan Drive, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Central Nassau: Yulee Middle School, 85439 Miner Rd., Yulee, FL 32097 SR200/A1A Corridor Master Plan Presentation Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. FSCJ Nassau-Red Bean Center, 76346 William Burgess Blvd., Yulee, FL 32097 Agendas can be located on our website. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 10/25/21 @ 9:15 a.m. -
In 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau conducted the decennial census which is designed to count every resident in the Country. This is done every ten years to capture changes to the local population and adjust district boundaries to ensure all residents across the Country are equally represented. The census data collection is also used to determine the number of seats each State has in the U.S. House of Representatives and directly affects how trillions of U.S. dollars are distributed to local governments to fund hospitals, schools, and roads. After each decennial census, the County Commission is required to divide its county into districts of contiguous territory based on the new census data. Civic engagement, public participation, data and analysis and a thorough comprehension of rational local policy conditions are integral in properly executing this critical public duty. As such, the Board of County Commissioners cordially invites all residents and interested parties to engage in the electoral redistricting process. A series of public meetings have been scheduled to share information about the electoral redistricting process and will allow residents to ask questions and provide comments related to the various options on how the electoral districts could be redrawn based on the 2020 Census count results. Those meetings are as follows: Open House (Western Nassau) Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Callahan Multi-Purpose Facility, 543350 US Highway 1, Callahan, FL 32011 Open House (Eastern Nassau) Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Emma Love Hardee Elementary School, 2200 Susan Drive, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 Open House (Central Nassau) Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Yulee Middle School, 85439 Miner Rd., Yulee, FL 32097 Following the open house series, the Board of County Commissioners will hold meetings to further discuss and ultimately, adopt a new District Map. The public is welcome to attend and participate in these meetings as well. They are as follows: Joint Meeting between the Board of County Commissioners and Nassau County School Board Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Commission Chambers, 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee, FL 32097 Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners Monday, November 8, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Commission Chambers, 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee, FL 32097 Public Hearing of the Board of County Commissioners Monday, December 13, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Commission Chambers, 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee, FL 32097 For additional information on the County’s redistricting timeline or to access the three, interactive redistricting maps under consideration, visit www.nassaucountyfl.com/1173/Decennial-Redistricting. If you have any questions or would like to provide comments, please email [email protected] or call (904) 530-6019 and leave a message. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 10/25/21 @ 8:30 a.m. - Only 5 days until the Halloween Festival! We now have 51 businesses/organizations signed up to hand out candy in our Trick or Treat Alley! Below is a complete summary of the event.
WHAT: Halloween Festival WHEN: Friday, October 29, 2021, 5:00-9:00 p.m.(see schedule of events below) WHERE: Yulee Athletic Complex, 86142 Goodbread Rd., Yulee, FL 32097 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 5:00-7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. Halloween performance by Royal Amelia Dance (RAD) Company 7:10 p.m. Prizes/Awards 7:15 p.m. Showing of Hocus Pocus on the football field Concessions will be available for purchase with proceeds benefiting the Yulee Sports Association. All activities/events free unless noted otherwise above. A big thank you to the following businesses/organizations for participating:
We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions, please contact Parks & Recreation at (904) 530-6120. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer |
February 2025