-Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer
Welcome to beautiful Nassau County, located in the northeast corner of Florida along the Atlantic Ocean and Interstate 95. We are proud to serve as the Eastern Gateway to the Sunshine State. From our historic island, sandy beaches, and championship golf courses to our scenic rivers, green pastures, and majestic timberlands, we truly offer something for everyone.
Mark your calendars! The second 2024 Florida Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday is set for Aug. 24-Sept. 6. During Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holidays, you may purchase qualifying items exempt from sales tax. For more information click here https://floridarevenue.com/DisasterPrep/Pages/default.aspx
-Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer
7/22/24 @ 4:15 p.m.
The Florida Department of Revenue's Sales Tax Holiday begins at 12:00 a.m. on Monday, July 29th and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, August 11th. During this time, Florida law directs that sales tax or local option tax shall NOT be collected on:
The sales tax holiday does not apply to:
For a complete list of exempt clothing and accessories, please visit DOR's website. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 1/3/24 @ 10:00 a.m. - In case you missed it! The Florida Department of Revenue is offering a second Back to School Sales Tax Holiday from January 1 - January 14, 2024. During this time, qualifying items including school supplies, clothing, footwear and accessories are tax free. See below screenshot for a list of frequently asked questions or visit the Department of Revenue website.
-Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 10/27/23 @ 9:15 a.m. - The Nassau County Legislative Delegation held a meeting on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, to select the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Legislative Delegation, and to receive input ahead of the upcoming Legislative Session in Tallahassee. Senator Clay Yarborough and State Representative Dean Black listened as representatives from the County, City of Fernandina beach, Towns of Hilliard, School Board and several non-profit organizations explained their funding needs ahead of the upcoming Legislative Session. Several individuals also spoke about Legislation they wish to see amended and/or introduced in support of various causes and issues important to them. Anyone requesting additional information about topics discussed should reach out to Senator Yarborough's Office at (850) 487-5004 or via email at [email protected]. We appreciate the Legislative Delegation for visiting Nassau County and for giving our community the opportunity to share needs and ideas ahead of the Legislative Session. We also appreciate our State Officials for all they do to secure Legislative funding on behalf of the County and their commitment to helping us improve the quality of life for our residents. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 9/15/23 @ 1:15 p.m. Senator Clay Yarborough and State Representative Dean Black have scheduled the next Nassau County Legislative Delegation for Wednesday, October 25, 2023 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the County's Commission Chambers located at 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee, FL 32097. The purpose of the Legislative Delegation Meeting is to hold a general legislative hearing for residents to express ideas and/or concerns ahead of the upcoming Legislative Session. Anyone wishing to speak must complete the attached Speaker Request Form and return it to David Podvia at Senator Yarborough's Office BY THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON FRIDAY, October 20, 2023, to be placed on the agenda. You must also provide all materials/handouts prior to this cut-off date as well. Documents must be mailed to The Office of Senator Clay Yarborough at 1615 Huffingham Road, Suite 1, Jacksonville, FL 32216, prior to the cut-off date. If submitting materials/handouts via U.S. mail, individuals are asked to provide three (3) sets of three-hold punched 8 1/2 x 11 copies and use the Speaker's Request Form as a cover sheet to be included in the member's meeting packets. All Legislative Delegation meetings are open to the public. In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and Chapter 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons in need of special accommodations to participate in the meetings, including agendas, interpreters, or assisted listening devices, should contact David Podvia at 850-487-5004 or by email at [email protected] by the close of business on Friday, October 20, 2023. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 9/14/23 @ 11:30 a.m. - Each year, the Northeast Florida Regional Council (NEFRC) solicits legislative priorities from its member counties, including Nassau County. Prior to the start of the Legislative Session, the NEFRC, with guidance from the Legislative Policy Committee, develops the Northeast Florida Regional Priorities which highlight critical issues that often have a regional impact.
During the regular session held on Monday, September 11, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners discussed their top regional priorities to be submitted to the NEFRC for the upcoming Legislative Session and the effects those priorities would have on the region. They are as follows: Flood Mitigation/Resiliency Background: The Nassau County Master Storm Water Plan provided an engineering analysis of the existing storm water management system and identified problematic riverine areas which have been impacted by subsequent storms. County code requires new and major improvements to be built to standards which reasonably protect from flood hazard and recent re-entry into the National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System has incentivized the community to protect property, persons and natural floodplain functions from risk and hazard in flood prone areas. However older residences in Volume Sensitive Areas and problematic areas are acutely at risk for flood damage and personal danger. Requested Action: Continue to prioritize funding and proactively assist local governments in their efforts to mitigate the impacts of flooding/sea level rise and create more resilient communities. Effect: Funds for flood mitigation and proactive actions that promote resiliency will help local communities to retrofit or remove properties from high-risk areas thereby reducing the risks to persons or property. Small, Rural, and Transitioning Counties Infrastructure Program Support Background: Like many Florida counties, Nassau County is a rapidly transitioning coastal county that is in a hyper-growth situation. The rapid expansion of the population and correlating urbanization of rural lands has placed a significant strain on existing infrastructure and the need for investment into new infrastructure. In addition, the global pandemic shined light on the critical nature of universal access to broadband/highspeed internet. Requested Action: Request the Legislature to enhance funding for small county transportation infrastructure programs such as SCOP and SCRAP Grants. These programs, and other similar programs, provide vital revenue for small counties to deliver critical transportation projects and keep up with the pace of growth. Additionally, it is requested that the Legislature aid in accessibility to broadband/highspeed internet and to make it attainable for everyone. Effect: The allocation of additional funds and creation of more robust programs aimed at assisting small, rural and/or transitioning counties in the execution of infrastructure projects which will result in more resilient, sustainable and livable communities for the citizens and businesses of Florida. Home Rule Background: Home Rule is an important and vital component of city and county government that keeps state government from interfering on matters that should be regulated by local jurisdictions as officials know what is best for their areas and their citizens. Requested Action: Nassau County respectfully requests that the Legislature fully assess the impacts of enacting legislation that limits local jurisdictional control over urban planning and design, land-use policy, protection of job creation land uses from residential development, impact fees, short-term/vacation rental, and other related matters as these types of issues are not universal and subject to the context of place. Effect: Allowing local jurisdictions to apply regulations crafted in the unique context of each locality allows jurisdictions to leverage their uniqueness of place and capitalize on opportunities while at the same time creating more livable communities for our citizens. Affordable Housing Background: Housing affordability is a challenge across the United States. In Florida, the challenge is magnified by the rapid in-migration from other states. From 2016-2022, the median single-family home price has increased from $237,000 to $446,000. This challenge is not unique to Nassau County or the northeast Florida region. Housing affordability is a State-wide challenge and as such, the challenge of home affordability cannot be solved by local government alone. Requested Action: Amend or repeal portions of the Live Local Act, specifically by reducing the affordability standard from 120% AMI to 80% AM. It’s also requested that instead of mandating government allow residential uses on lands with an Industrial Future Land Use Map designation or industrial zoning classification, that local governments be granted the option to allow residential uses on lands with an Industrial Future Land Use Map designation and/or Industrial Zoning Classfication in a broad manner, create targeted exemptions granting local governments a choice, as opposed to a State mandate. Effect: 1) protection of job creating industrial lands that are critical to Florida's future economy; 2) maintain of mandates that allow affordable housing on commercial and mixed-use lands; 3) set an affordability rental rate standard that is affordable to the workforce based on local market conditions; and 4) allow local governments to meet the job creation requirements of previously awarded grants. For additional information on these Legislative Priorities, please click here. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 9/14/23 @ 9:00 a.m. - The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission is hosting their annual Fish Art Contest. Students in kindergarten through 12th grade can create an original piece of artwork for a chance to win state and national honors and prizes.
New this year is a second category for a Florida Native Fish Award. This Specialty Award is in addition to the national Fish Art Contest. The goal of the Florida Native Fish Award is to celebrate fish species native to Florida’s inland and marine waters. To learn more about the contest, including entry forms, contest rules, and deadlines, click here to be directed to FWC's website. Note: Below is a drawing of a mahi-mahi created by last year's first place winner in the 7th-9th grade division, Penelope Horwitz. 8/25/23 @ 2:00 p.m. - The State is offering an additional Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday this summer. Beginning tomorrow at 12:00 a.m. through 11:59 on September 8th, you can purchase hurricane supplies tax-free. For complete details, please visit the Department of Revenue website. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 7/20/23 @ 10:20 a.m.
The Florida Department of Revenue's Sales Tax Holiday begins at 12:00 a.m. on Monday, July 24th and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, August 6th. During this time, Florida law directs that sales tax or local option tax shall NOT be collected on:
The sales tax holiday does not apply to:
For a complete list of exempt clothing and accessories, please click here. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information Officer 6/9/23 @ 2:15 p.m. - On Saturday, June 10th and Sunday, June 11th, Floridians can enjoy freshwater fishing without needing a license. This is the perfect opportunity to introduce a friend of family member to the sport. Bag limits, season and size restrictions still apply. For more information, visit myfwc.com/freshwater. -Sabrina Robertson Public Information officer |
September 2024