Every day, Nassau County’s procurement professionals work to facilitate the procurement of quality goods and services through a unified system that ensures integrity, fairness, and cost control to the citizens of Nassau County by maximizing competition, transparency, and the inclusion of industry best practices.
Assistant County Manager Marshall Eyerman stated, “Through the support of the County Commissioners and the focused efforts of the Procurement Department, County Attorney’s Office and other County Departments, the County has enhanced its focus on procurement to ensure a more independent, streamlined, and competitive process, which ultimately provides tax savings to the community.”
We appreciate the dedicated employees in our Procurement Department and all others engaged in the process for their efforts in ensuring that Nassau County receives the maximum return on investment for goods and services. To learn more about Nassau County’s Procurement Department, or to register as a vendor, please visit https://www.nassaucountyfl.com/280/Procurement-Contracts-Management