If you have questions regarding either project update, please contact Odette Struys, Public Information Officer for FDOT, at (904) 360-5582 or via e-mail at [email protected].
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office
Welcome to beautiful Nassau County, located in the northeast corner of Florida along the Atlantic Ocean and Interstate 95. We are proud to serve as the Eastern Gateway to the Sunshine State. From our historic island, sandy beaches, and championship golf courses to our scenic rivers, green pastures, and majestic timberlands, we truly offer something for everyone.
The Florida Department of Transportation has provided status reports for two phases of construction currently underway on State Road 200/A1A. The first report contains a description of activities completed for Phase I which takes place on the portion of road from west of Still Quarters Road to west of Rubin Davis Lane. The second report for Phase II contains a description of activities for the section of State Road 200 from west of Rubin Davis Lane to east of County Road 107/O'Neil Scott Road.
If you have questions regarding either project update, please contact Odette Struys, Public Information Officer for FDOT, at (904) 360-5582 or via e-mail at [email protected]. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office
1/30/17 @ 2:00 p.m. - Please see the below schedule for nighttime lane closures on State Road 200/A1A for the week of January 28 - February 3, 2017:
SUBJECT: LANE CLOSURE INFORMATION Job Description:SR200 Reconstruction (West of Rubin Rd. to East of CR 107/Scott Road) Financial Project Number: 210712-4-52-01 & 210712-4-56-01 Federal Aid Project Number: 4881064P Contract Number: T2579 County-Section Number: Nassau - 74060 Daytime: None at this time Nighttime:
Reason for the Closure (Type of Construction/Maintenance Activity): Finish installation of temporary signals - 1/30/17 & 1/31/17 Installation of temporary signals- 2/1/17 & 2/2/17 Project Engineer (Contact Name & Phone Number) ETM Carrie Smithheart, PA Office: (904) 265-3170 Cell: (904) 509-9007 -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office 01/29/17 at 2:30 p.m. - Nassau County is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy on the Conditional Use & Variance Board, representing District Three. (see attached District Map)
The Conditional Use & Variance Board conducts public hearings and decides on applications for variances from the literal application of the zoning code when specific standards for review are found to be met. They also conduct public hearings and decide on applications for conditional use. A conditional use is one that, due to its nature, is reviewed on a parcel by parcel basis and that may have reasonable conditions attached as a condition of approval. The Conditional Use and Variance Board also hears and decides appeals from the decision of the Development Review Committee in the site plan and engineering review process. The Conditional Use & Variance Board meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the James S. Page Governmental Complex located at 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee. Board members serve three (3) year terms and are required to file financial disclosure. Members are provided a monthly stipend of $75/month and are reimbursed for mileage at rates set by the Federal General Services Administration. That amount is currently $0.54 per mile through September 30, 2017. If you are reside in District Three and are interested in being considered for this Board, please submit your resume to [email protected] by Friday, February 10th. Resumes will be provided to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration at an upcoming Board meeting. If selected, you will be contacted regarding any orientation requirements. If you have questions regarding the Conditional Use & Variance Board, please contact the Department of Planning & Economic Opportunity at (904) 530-6300. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office Railroad Crossing on County Road 119 Closing Temporarily for Repairs Beginning February 1st1/26/2017 The County has received notification that the railroad crossing on County Road 119 will be temporarily closed for repairs beginning Wednesday, February 1st. It is anticipated that the work will take approximately 3 days. Signs have been placed in the vicinity to notify motorists of the closing and the associated detour route.
If you have any questions, please contact Clark Rowe with Southern Commercial Development at (803) 767-7788. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office ![]() 01/25/17 at 2:15 p.m. - On Wednesday, January 18, 2017, the Board of County Commissioners recognized County Manager Ted Selby on his upcoming retirement after eighteen years of service with Nassau County. Ted Selby began his employment with Nassau County on September 28, 1998 as an Internal Auditor for the Clerk of Courts. During his eight years of employment with the Clerk, he also served as Budget Supervisor and Financial Services Director. Ted was hired by the Board of County Commissioners on January 23, 2006 as the Administrative Services Director where his duties included overseeing fiscal operations including preparation of the annual budget and enforcement of internal auditing controls. Ted was always willing to go above and beyond the call of duty and he served as Interim County Administrator on two different occasions; once from March 1, 2007 to October 8, 2007 and again from April 10, 2010 through June 1, 2010 when he was hired for the position of County Manager. During his time as County Manager, Ted always searched for ways to make the County more efficient and often analyzed departments and policies to find cost saving measures. He revised the Employee Leave Policy where new hires were placed on a "Paid Time Off" plan instead of a traditional Vacation/Sick Plan, thus drastically reducing the number of hours accumulated annually. He revised County policies including the travel policy and eliminated mileage reimbursements for employees choosing to take their own vehicles to classes and conferences. He is also credited for adoption of a Fleet Replacement Program which consists of long-term planning for maintaining and replacing vehicles when needed. These are just a few examples of Ted's ability to plan for future stability of the County. Chairman Danny Leeper expressed his gratitude to Ted for serving the County with the highest of integrity and for having the foresight needed to achieve many great things. Under Ted's leadership, the County has received numerous awards including the Florida Animal Control Association's Agency of the Year Award and the Regional Award for Excellence in Affordable Housing from the Northeast Florida Regional Council. Major projects completed during his tenure include expansion of the Fernandina Beach Library, construction of the Emergency Operations Center, the addition of the 911 Communications Center, and construction of the new Sheriff Administration Facility. Chairman Leeper stated, "You are the best manager I've ever had the pleasure of working with. You leave behind a great team and that is a sign of great leadership". The other four commissioners echoed Chairman Leeper's comments and agreed that Ted has been an outstanding asset to the County and has provided exemplary service to the citizens. Ted has been a humble leader who sincerely cares about his staff and he is widely recognized throughout the County organization for his honesty, integrity and leadership ability. During the January 18th meeting, several employees came forward to express their gratitude to Ted. Public Works Director, Scott Herring, stated "I don't say this lightly, you were the best boss I ever had. The confidence you've shown in me, the mentorship... the past seven years have been wonderful and I appreciate everything you've done for me". Assistant County Manager, Shanea Jones, said "I'm really just grateful for all the patience you've had with me and all the opportunities you've given me. You deserve to retire and do something enjoyable". Ted thanked the Board and all the previous Commissioners for providing him with the opportunity to be the County Manager. "It has certainly been challenging at times, but at the end of the day, it was very rewarding. I appreciate the support you've given me and the trust you've placed in me to lead this organization". Ted also thanked his wife, Bunny, for being with him "every step of the way" through two careers which included 22 years of service in the United States Navy. "I've been paying into social security since 1966 and it's time for me to get something out of it", joked Ted. Ted's last day of employment is Friday, February 3, 2017. He will be greatly missed by those who had the honor to work with him, as well of the citizens of Nassau County. We wish Ted many years of health and happiness and extend our congratulations on his retirement. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office 01/24/17 at 10:15 a.m. - On the evening of Thursday, October 20, 2016, a Yulee High School student named Jasmine Saint-Leger was involved in a serious motor vehicle crash on Chester Road in Yulee. Responders from Nassau County Fire Rescue, Engines 70 and Rescue 71, found Jasmine entrapped in her vehicle with life threatening injuries. Firefighters successfully extricated Jasmine, provided treatment, and transported her to Trauma 1 helicopter where she was flown to the trauma center at UF North in critical condition.
Due to the timing of the crash, Jasmine was unable to participate in her Senior Walk during the Yulee High School Homecoming. Nassau County Fire Rescue received word that Jasmine and the other cheerleaders would be participating in Senior Night during the Yulee High School basketball game on Wednesday, January 18th, and emergency personnel that responded to her accident surprised her by attending the event. As you would expect, this was a very teary reunion as Jasmine and members of her family expressed their gratitude to the first responders while her fellow students looked on. This is just one example of how the employees of Nassau County Fire Rescue impact our community every day. Great job to Lt. Brian Sloan, Lt. Kevin Page, Engineer Rob Widdows, Engineer Cody Canaday, and Firefighter Alton Robby! Your knowledge and dedication is truly inspiring and we appreciate all that you do for the citizens of Nassau County! -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office 1/23/17 at 10:35 a.m. - On Tuesday, January 24, 2017, a representative from Senator Bill Nelson's Office will be in Nassau County to meet with constituents regarding any federal issues/concerns they have including but not limited to Social Security issues, immigration, and VA Benefits.
The Open Office hours will be held from 3:00-4:00 p.m. in the County Manager's Office located in the James S. Page Governmental Complex at 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee. You do not need an appointment. For more information, contact Katie Ross at (904) 346-4500 or via e-mail at [email protected]. - Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office 01/19/17 at 4:50 p.m. - The Florida Department of Transportation has send the below lane closure information related to State Road 200/A1A for the week of January 21-January 27, 2017:
SUBJECT: LANE CLOSURE INFORMATION Job Description:SR-200 Reconstruction (W of Rubin Rd. to E of CR 107 Scott Rd.) Financial Project Number: 210712-4-52-01 & 210712-4-56-01 Federal Aid Project Number: 4881064P Contract Number: T2579 County - Section Number: Nassau - 74060 LOCATION OF THE CLOSURE: Daytime:
REASON FOR THE CLOSURE (Type of Construction / Maintenance Activity): Install Temporary Low Profile Barrier Wall - 1/21/17 Utility Crossing – 01/23/17 Installation of Temporary Signals 01/23/17 & 01/24/17 Switch over Temporary Signals 01/25/17 Finish Temporary Signals 01/26/17 NOTE: Scheduled lane closures subject to change due to weather. PROJECT ENGINEER OR CONTACT PERSON AND TELEPHONE NUMBER: ETM Carrie Smithheart, PA Office: (904) 265-3170 Cell:(904) 509-9007 -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office County Offices will be closed on Monday, January 16, 2017, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Use this day to reflect upon Dr. King's contribution to society and remember that we live in a nation filled with opportunity where we are only limited by our fears.
"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward", Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office ![]() 1/12/17 at 1:55 p.m.- The Florida Department of Transportation issued the attached Press Release regarding the beginning construction of a diverging diamond at the State Road 200/A1A and Interstate 95 interchange. This construction is part of Phase III of the overall improvements to State Road 200 and consists of reconstruction and widening of 2.2 miles of A1A from west of I-95 to west of Still Quarters Road, widening of ramps at the interchange, and contruction of the diverging diamond. A diverging diamond is a type of interchange where the two directions of traffic briefly drive on the opposite side of the road, eliminating long waits for left turns to and from the Interstate, thus reducing congestion and improving overall traffic operations. Diverging diamond interchanges also improve safety because they eliminate driver confusion and reduce the risk of wrong way entry onto ramps. Below are links to two videos regarding diverging diamonds. The first is an educational video regarding the benefits of diverging diamonds. The second video is an example of how the diverging diamond will work at the I-95/State Road 200 Interchange. FDOT will be hosting an Open House on Thursday, February 23, 2017 from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at FSCJ in the Nassau Room to meet with citizens and answer any questions they may have. Engineers for all 3 phases of the State Road 200 Widening Project will be in attendance as well. If you have any questions, please contact Odette Struys at (904) 360-5582 or via e-mail at [email protected]. -Sabrina Robertson County Manager's Office |
February 2025