During World War II and Korean War, seven brothers from a black Punta Gorda family served overseas. Yet, the family received no acclaim for over fifty years for their exploits. From a high-flying Tuskegee airman to a grunt in the Red Ball Express, the Bailey brothers’ struggles in a Jim Crow south speak to the hidden and ongoing struggle to accord black Americans in their place in the military. The library’s seating capacity is limited. Please pre-register to attend by calling 941-764-5562 or visiting the registration link.
James Abraham is a former journalist who now edits and publishes books. His Book-Broker Publishers, which he founded in 2004, has produced and edited more than 500 books in a variety of genres. Abraham is a writing coach, critic, and lecturer. He has conducted the longest-running race relations class in Charlotte County. A graduate of Oberlin College, Abraham is the author of Century: A People’s History of Charlotte County.
This Florida Talks program is a partnership between Florida Humanities and the Friends of the Fernandina Beach Library. Funding for this program was provided by Florida Humanities.
Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations in order to participate in this program should contact (904) 530-6500 or the Florida Relay Service at (800) 955-8770(v) or (800) 955-8771(TDD) at least 72 hours in advance to request such accommodations.
-Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer