Before purchasing a live Christmas tree, test the tree for freshness by flexing the needles between your fingers. If the needles break off easily, the tree is too dry and is at a higher risk of catching fire. After bringing a tree home, be sure to water it daily to maintain the tree's moisture. If you choose an artificial tree, look for one with the "Fire Resistant" label. Remember that all trees should be placed at least three feet from heat sources to reduce risk of fire.
While holiday lights and decorations contribute to the excellence of the season, they can significantly increase the risk of fires and electrical injuries if not used safely. When decorating, be sure you use only UL approved decorations and discard any lights with worn or broken cords. Additionally, don't forget to turn off all lights before leaving home or going to sleep.
Keep child safety in mind this holiday season by ensuring that all matches, lighters and candles are out of reach of children. Watch children closely in the kitchen and be sure they are supervised at all times, and that they remain at least 3 feet away from all cooking appliances.
With these few safety tips to help keep you safe, Nassau County Fire/Rescue wishes you all a happy, and safe holiday season.
-Jerry Marrison, Fire Inspector
Nassau County Fire/Rescue