We invite you to participate in an interactive webinar
to discuss the development of Nassau County’s first Conservation Plan on May 5 at 1:00 P.M.
Nassau County is in the process of creating a Conservation Land Acquisition and Management (CLAM) Program, wherein the county will seek to acquire conservation lands on its own or with partners. We are reaching out to residents on conservation topics in order to develop the priorities for our conservation plan.
To do so effectively, we need to first decide what kinds of lands will best serve the county going forward to ensure sustainability of its environments, maintenance of its rural character, and outdoor recreational opportunities.
We are looking to you to share your thoughts on the criteria that will help us identify those lands.
Nassau County partnered with North Florida Land Trust, who will be running the webinar and creating the plan.
We would like to reach as many residents as possible. Please share this link with your family, friends and neighbors.
We thank you for your time!
To register please visit https://register.gotowebinar.com/regist…/5269486848478516236