Commissioner Boatright was appointed by his collegues to serve as Vice Chairman of the Board in 2010 and 2015, and was appointed to serve as Chairman of the Board on two different occassions - from January 1 through December 31, 2011 and from January 1, 2016 until November 21, 2016 when his term ended.
Commissioner Boatright obtained Advanced County Commissioner certification through the Florida Association of Counties and has ably represented the County in many forums and arenas. He represented the County on numerous Boards and Committees including the Economic Development Board, Small County Coalition, the St. Marys River Management Committee, the Canvassing Board, the Local Mitigation Strategy Task Force, and the Value Adjustment Board. He also served as an Ex-Officio Board Member on the JEA Board of Directors and as Chairman of the Transporation Disadvantaged Local Coordination Board from 2009 to 2010.
The Board of County Commissioners commends and thanks Junior Boatright on behalf of all the citizens of Nassau County for his dedication and service during his tenure as County Commissioner for District 5.
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office