In case you missed the June report, below are some of the major transportation projects currently underway:
- Bridge Repair & Maintenance for various bridges including Stratton Rd., Stokes Rd., and CR 121
- Chester Rd./Pages Dairy Intersection Improvements
- Pages Dairy Road Widening & Resurfacing
- Crawford Rd. Phase One Paving Project (from County Rd. 121 to just west of Norfolk Southern Rail ROW)
- Crawford Rd. Phase Two Paving Project (from just west of Norfolk Southern Rail ROW to US 301)
- County Road 108 Safety Improvements 1 (from Middle Rd. to Bay Road)
- County Road 108 Safety Improvements 2 (from Middle Rd. to US 17)
- County Road 121 Safety Improvements
- County Road 115 Widening and Resurfacing from Bypass Rd. to Henry Smith Rd.
- Dyal Rd. Project (ROW Acquisition for repaving remaining 1/2 mile of road)
- Edwards Rd. Improvements (widening and adding of sidewalks from SR200 to Police Lodge Road and intersection improvements at SR200)
- Henry Smith Road Resurfacing and Culvert Repair Project
- Miner Rd. Turn Lane
- Pratt Siding Road Paving (pave existing 1.5 miles of unimproved portion of road)
- 14th Street & Sadler Road Safety Study
- William Burgess Extension
Please click here to view the report and obtain information on current Engineering projects underway, estimated start dates and estimated completion dates.
Please note that this list pertains just to projects under the Engineering Department that require engineering services for structural changes such reconstruction and/or widening of a road, project design, right-of-way work, and other engineering related activities. It does not reflect general road projects overseen by the Road Department such as overlay projects, pavement repairs, double chip seal projects, etc.
If you have questions related to any of the above Engineering projects, please call (904) 530-6225 or email [email protected].
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office