From the Emergency Management website:
Trees on Private Property -- If you have trees on your private property that are posing a risk to your home, contact your insurance company to see if they can offer assistance in mitigating that risk.
If you can’t contact your agent or insurance company, call the Department of Financial Services (DFS) for assistance at 1-800-22-STORM or (850) 413-3089. The Department of Financial Services’ Insurance Consumer Helpline is a toll-free hotline that connects consumers across Florida with insurance experts who can answer questions about what may or may not be covered under a specific home or auto policy. They can also connect consumers with the appropriate contact information for their specific carrier and help to mediate any issues that may arise when communicating about a claim. Helpline experts are available Monday – Friday from 8am to 5pm EST by calling 1-877-693-5236.
If you do not have homeowners insurance and cannot afford to pay for tree cutting services, contact the Nassau County Emergency Operations Center at (904) 548-0900. The County will try to coordinate your needs with volunteer groups that can provide those services on private property.
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office