The County Extension Office is counting down to Gopher Tortoise Day.
From the Extension Office:
Day 3 of countdown to #floridagophertortoiseday 🐢
we introduce nature’s natural exterminator, the longest venomous snake in the U.S. reaching up to six feet long! You probably have heard some story about a man getting bite by a rattlesnake, well the odds are it was not the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus). The Diamondback is an unfortunate product of stereotyping. Labeled as aggressive and deadly, the truth couldn’t be further. They are highly averse to human contact and will even warn you with a shake of their rattle before striking. It takes a lot of taunting and harassment to get bitten. Unfortunately, due to the indiscriminate killing of rattlesnakes and loss of habitat, their population is in decline throughout its range.