- Day work beginning after completion of the FDOT improvements to SR 200.
- Night work beginning in January 2020, with lanes reopening to traffic during the daytime. Residents were informed of the construction noise, lighting, and vibrations they would experience if night work was pursued.
- Continuous shift work to complete the project as soon as possible.
After discussion the community consensus preferred pursuing the project as nighttime work, allowing for completion of the project sooner while also addressing the traffic concerns during the daytime hours.
The community also provided comments regarding existing drainage issues they hoped would be addressed with this project. Engineers with the County and with the design firm Connelly & Wicker will meet with the concerned residents to discuss the drainage issues raised.
The FDOT project for 2021-2022 to replace the Lofton Creek Bridge was a major topic of discussion revolving around the proposed elevation of the new bridge and its ability to provide safe passage during major flood events, as well as the clearance under the bridge for boats and kayaks. The latest round of FDOT bridge plans show the bridge will be constructed at the same elevation and have the same clearance as the existing bridge structure. FDOT had the following response to our inquiry:
“The bridge profile and drift clearances were thoroughly investigated during the PD&E Phase. We evaluated raising the profile 3.5’ to achieve the required clearance. We determined this is not a feasible option since it would significantly increase the project limits, R/W requirements, environmental impacts, and construction cost. This was well documented in the Bridge Development Report and the Design Variation prepared for the drift clearance. “
Finally, the load rating for the existing bridge and the proposed bridge was discussed, along with safety and maintenance concerns regarding large trucks utilizing Pages Dairy Road for access. FDOT had the following response to our inquiries regarding load ratings:
“The existing bridge is rated up to 45.2 tons (HS 20 vehicle). Our records show this bridge did have weight limit signs posted previously. The bridge posting requirements were lifted based on a load rating performed in 1996 . We assume the County subsequently removed the signs when the new load rating confirmed the posting limits were no longer required.”
“The proposed bridge is rated up to 95.5 tons (FL 120 vehicle) and will support all design, legal and permit vehicles as defined in the FDOT Load Rating Manual.”
With this information from FDOT, it is clear the existing users of the roadway will be able to continue to use the roadway, including larger vehicles. When construction on SR 200 is complete, the number of larger vehicles using Pages Dairy as a bypass should be greatly diminished.
If you have any questions, please contact Robert Companion at (904) 530-6225 or via email at [email protected].