Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer
(904) 530-6010
[email protected]
Recreation Commission Meeting to Discuss Reintroduction of Organized Youth Sports
Nassau County, Florida, May 27, 2020 – At today’s Board of County Commissioner’s meeting, County Manager, Mike Mullin, provided an update to the Board members regarding Executive Order No. 20-131, issued by Governor Ron DeSantis on Friday, May 22, 2020, which now allows organized youth sports under Phase 1: Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step. Plan for Florida’s Recovery. Mr. Mullin indicated that organized youth sports should, in his opinion, “re-start” and the Board concurred.
A Special Meeting of the Nassau County Recreation Commission has been scheduled for Thursday, May 28, 2020, at 5:30 p.m., in order for the County Manager and Assistant County Manager to discuss “re-starting” organized youth sports at County facilities while maintaining consistency with the Center for Disease Control’s recommendations.
The meeting will be held remotely via phone conference, therefore there is no meeting location to share. Individuals wishing to submit comments for the meeting should email them to [email protected] by 4:00 p.m. tomorrow, or call (904) 530-6120. If you would like a phone call during the meeting, please send an email or call the number above and provide your name and phone number.
A summary from the meeting will be issued as soon as possible.
Should you have any questions, please contact Parks & Recreation directly at (904) 530-6120.