Media Contact:
Valerie Feinberg
Assistant Director, PEO Department
(904) 530-6300
[email protected]
Nassau County, Florida, February 25, 2020 - On December 18, 2019, the County's planning staff was directed by the Board of County Commissioners to review the provisions of the Residential General 2 (RG-2) zoning district for the entire County. Among the matters to be reviewed were minimum lot requirements, minimum yard requirements, and building restrictions.
Properties currently zoned RG-2 are available to be viewed via the map search tool at the Nassau County Property Appraiser’s website by visiting and selecting the Map Search function. From there, select the Map Layers option at the top of the screen. Then select the “Planning and Growth Management” list and then select Unincorporated Nassau County Zoning.
Currently, the RG-2 District allows single-family dwellings, duplexes, townhomes and multi-family dwellings as permitted uses.
- Single family dwellings and duplexes require a minimum lot of 75 feet in width and 8,700 square feet in area.
- Townhomes require a minimum lot of 20 feet in width and 2,000 square feet for interior lots and 30 feet and 3,000 square feet for exterior (end) lots.
- Multi-family dwellings require a minimum lot width of 125 feet and 15,000 square feet, plus an additional 4305 square feet (0.1 acre) for each dwelling unit over four (4).
- Single family dwellings, duplexes and townhomes have a maximum building height of 35 feet and a maximum lot coverage of 35 %.
- Multi-family dwellings may exceed 35 feet, up to a maximum height of 85 feet or seven (7) stories. Depending on the height of the building, the lot coverage is reduced as follows:
- 35 feet— 26%
- 45 feet—25%
- 55 feet—23%
- 65 feet—21%
- 75 feet—19%
- 85 feet—17%
- In addition to the reduced lot coverage, structures exceeding 35 feet in height must increase the minimum side yard by one (1) foot for every two (2) feet of building height exceeding 35 feet. Any structures constructed along the Atlantic coastline (beachfront) must increase the minimum rear yard by one (1) foot for every two (2) feet of building height exceeding 35 feet, using the Coastal Construction Control setback line, as adopted.
The density of residential development is determined by the underlying Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation of the property, adopted as part of the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Typically, the High Density Residential (HDR) designation allows a maximum of ten (10) units per upland acre. A density bonus for qualifying affordable housing projects can allow on market rate unit for each affordable unit up to 150% of the maximum density permitted by the FLUM.
Staff is currently analyzing the appropriateness of the RG-2 zoning district in terms of its consistency with the County’s Comprehensive Plan and its compatibility the existing development patterns of the County. This includes potential revisions to lot requirements, yard requirements, and building restrictions, including maximum height and lot coverage.
Proposed revisions to the RG-2 zoning district will be discussed at the following Planning & Zoning Board meeting:
Date: March 3, 2020
Time: 6pm
Location: Commission Chambers at the James S. Page Governmental Complex, 96135 Nassau Place Yulee, FL 32097
The Nassau County Planning and Economic Opportunity Department is charged with leading long-range and current planning for the community, with a focus on technical planning, implementation and management of the Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan, development and site plan review, and assistance to citizens, the Board of County Commissioners, County Manager and other staff, advisory boards, government agencies, and the private sector regarding growth and development in Nassau County. For more information on our Plan, Code, or current initiatives, or to provide input on the proposed changes to RG2 zoning, visit, call (904) 530-6300 or email [email protected].