Media Contact:
Adrienne Burke
Director, PEO Department
(904) 530-6300
[email protected]
Nassau County, Florida, September 23, 2019 - The Nassau County Planning + Economic Opportunity (PEO) Department offers the following clarifying information regarding the proposed Pit Sisters facility in Callahan.
County PEO staff were not previously contacted by anyone affiliated with Pit Sisters regarding any necessary planning or zoning procedures. Due to a Jacksonville news story, Nassau County PEO staff became aware in July 2019 that Jennifer Deane, property owner and operator of Pit Sisters, intended to utilize her Callahan property for Pit Sisters operations. PEO staff immediately contacted Ms. Deane to assist in facilitating required County processes.
Ms. Deane was directed to pursue a conditional use application per Section 22.03(E) of the Land Development Code for her facility because of the requested use and zoning district (Open Rural). Conditional use applications go before the County’s Conditional Use and Variance Board as a public hearing. This is consistent with how the County has applied the code to other similar property owners and uses in the Open Rural zoning district. Another animal rescue facility received a conditional use in August 2019, and a dog training facility is pending a conditional use hearing on September 26, 2019. These projects also require review by the County’s Development Review Committee.
Ms. Deane initially submitted a conditional use application to be heard in August 2019. Staff recommended continuation of the case, needing more information for a complete review. Ms. Deane agreed and requested continuance to the September 26, 2019 hearing. However, as of last week, Ms. Deane is electing to appeal the County staff determination that she needs a conditional use. Administrative appeal applications are submitted through the County Clerk. PEO staff are awaiting her application to set a public hearing for the appeal. Public hearings for administrative appeals go before the County Planning and Zoning Board.
No denials have been issued at this point, as Ms. Deane has not gone through either of the processes yet.
The Nassau County Planning and Economic Opportunity Department is charged with leading long-range and current planning for the community, with a focus on technical planning, implementation and management of the Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan, development and site plan review, and assistance to citizens, the Board of County Commissioners, County Manager and other staff, advisory boards, government agencies, and the private sector regarding growth and development in Nassau County. For more information on our Plan, Code, or current initiatives, visit, call (904) 530-6300 or email [email protected].