Media Contact:
Abigail Weiss
Planner, PEO Department
(904) 530-6300
[email protected]
Nassau County, Florida, October 11, 2019 - The Nassau County Planning + Economic Opportunity (PEO) Department offers the following clarifying information regarding the proposed JEA project in Yulee seeking a conditional use approval.
The parent property (Parcel Number: 42-2N-27-0000-0001-0120) related to the conditional use application (CU2019-16) is a 422 acre tract of land owned by JEA which is located south of SR200, north of Radio Avenue, west of Miner Road and east of US 17. Within this 422 acre property, a land area measuring 6.35 acres is located on the southernmost end of the property, north of the utility corridor running behind (to the north) of the homes fronting on Radio Avenue between Art Wilson Lane and Theresa Road. [See map on page 2.]
On this 6.35 acres, JEA is requesting a conditional use approval in the Open Rural (OR) zoning district pursuant to Land Development Code Sections 28.13(A) and Section 28.14(H) to construct up to two (2) fully enclosed booster pump stations, up to four (4) ground storage tanks, and an area for stormwater management in order to provide reclaimed water and sanitary sewer services to the growing population in Nassau County. All structures and ponds on the project site will be fenced in. View of the facility will be hidden from the public due to a County-required high-density landscaping buffer.
The Conditional Use and Variance Board of Nassau County will hold a public hearing at the Commission Chambers, James S. Page Governmental Complex, 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee, Florida, 32097 on November 21, 2019 at 6:30pm to consider the application for the conditional use. The meeting is open to the public.
The Nassau County Planning and Economic Opportunity Department is charged with leading long-range and current planning for the community, with a focus on technical planning, implementation and management of the Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan, development and site plan review, and assistance to citizens, the Board of County Commissioners, County Manager and other staff, advisory boards, government agencies, and the private sector regarding growth and development in Nassau County. For more information on our Plan, Code, or current initiatives, visit, call (904) 530-6300 or email [email protected]