Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer
(904) 530-6010
[email protected]
Groundbreaking Ceremony for Pages Dairy Road Widening & Resurfacing Project
Nassau County, Florida, October 30, 2020 – On Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 11:30 a.m., the Board of County Commissioners will host a groundbreaking ceremony in celebration of the upcoming improvements to Pages Dairy Road between Chester Rd. and Felmor Rd.
The County secured grant funding totaling $1.25 from the Florida Department of Transportation to assist with construction costs. The State officially added the project to their 5-Year Work Program in March of 2015 for funding to become available to the County in 2020. The total project cost is $4.7 million, leaving the County’s portion of $3.4 million.
The roadway design is complete and a contract for Construction Engineering Inspection Services has been secured. In order to remain eligible for State funding, the County must move forward with construction in order to meet the State’s December 2021 deadline.
Concerns have been expressed about this project taking place while the State Road 200 project is still underway. Fortunately, the State recently notified the County that the work on State Road 200 will be completed before the end of 2020. The Pages Dairy work will begin in mid-late November, so there will only be a few weeks where the two projects will overlap. Also, please be advised that the contractor for the Pages Dairy Rd. Project will not permitted to have lane or road closures during peak hours. This type of work will be limited to the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
District Three County Commissioner, Pat Edwards, stated, “I am grateful to the State for providing grant funding to assist the County with much needed improvements to this segment of road. The County and residents have been anxious to have this work completed and I am happy to see it finally come to fruition”.
County Engineer, Robert Companion, added, “As the only east-west corridor to State Road 200, the improvements to Pages Dairy Road are necessary to ensure this major collector road serves citizens well in the future. The improvements include wider vehicle lanes, bike lanes, and right and left turn lanes onto Felmor Rd. from Pages Dairy”.
The Groundbreaking Ceremony will be held in front of the Harbor Shores Apostolic Church located at 86674 Pages Dairy Rd. The public is welcome to attend. Reverend James Beale has graciously given permission for the public to utilize their lot for parking during the event.
If you have any questions regarding, please contact the Engineering Services at (904) 530-6225.