In order for speed humps to be considered, the road must have a volume between 300 and 3,000 daily trips and notable or consistent speeding in excess of the posted speed limit. Over a seven day period, daily traffic observed 1,609 trips on Flora Parke Blvd. Speed data records revealed that many were going speeds above or beyond the posted speed limit of 25mph. The lowest recorded speed was 6.6 mph, however the maximum recorded speed was an astounding 74.5 mph.
The data collected from the July study confirmed that the roadway meets the criteria for speed hump installation. On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, two speed humps were placed on Flora Parke Blvd. to increase safety on this segment of roadway. While speed humps are similar to speed bumps, they are considered to be less aggressive as they are narrower and lower in height. Speed humps are often used on streets where low speeds are desired such as in residential areas and near playgrounds.
The Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 2019-25 creating the County's first Speed Hump Policy in March 2019. If you have any questions, you can contact Engineering Services directly at (904) 530-6225.
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office