The National Association of Counties (NACo) has proclaimed April as National County Government Month. Each day this month, we will provide different facts about Nassau County, including information about its history, services provided and more.
Supervisor of Elections
The Supervisor of Elections is a Constitutional Officer designated by Florida law to administer elections and voter registration and is elected by the voters. Primary duties include:
-Conducting federal, state, county and municipal elections
-Registering voters
-Maintaining voter registration rolls
- Acceptance of Vote by Mail ballot requests and verifying Vote by Mail ballots
- Qualifying of candidates
- Receiving of candidate campaign finance reports for district and county offices and making them available to the public
- Receiving of public financial disclosure reports
- Maintaining voting equipment
- Hiring and training of poll workers
- Acquiring polling places for election activities
- Maintaining and updating mapping for precincts
- Conducting of voter outreach drives and education activities
Your current Supervisor of Elections is Janet Adkins, a Nassau County resident who previously served our community as a member of the Florida House of Representatives. Since becoming the Supervisor of Elections, Ms. Adkins has worked hard to expand the community's knowledge of election activities by conducting presentations in schools and to special interest groups, as well as hosting roundtable events. Ms. Adkins also introduced a new mobile app where users can find voting information such as important election dates, voting precincts, sample ballots, election results and more. You can download the Vote Nassau app by clicking here.
To learn more about your Supervisor of Elections and Nassau County elections, visit their website at https://www.votenassaufl.gov/.
-Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer