The Nassau County Health Department notified the Board of the State's recognition program in October 2014 and encouraged the Board to apply. As part of the submission process, the County adopted a Resolution on November 10, 2014 proclaiming their intention to submit their practices to the Florida Department of Health for consideration of the award. Staff then completed the application which consisted of answering various questions related to physical activity and nutrition and providing an explanation on how the County's programs and policies encourage a healthier lifestyle. A copy of the completed application can be found here, however below are some highlights:
Physical Activity
- Annual funding of $50,000 to the Sidewalk Repair Program provides safe sidewalks and encourages walking and/or bicycling
- The County assumed maintenance of the newly constructed Amelia Island Trail to insure citizens have a safe place for cycling and walking
- The recently approved ENCPA is a mixed-use development which requires every element necessary for living is contained within the development including recreation and transportation (with a focus on bicycle and pedestrian)
- Implementation of various Wellness Programs for the employees including monthly Aetna and Florida Blue Newsletters, Walking Programs, Cardiovascular Screenings, Annual Health Fairs, and flu shots.
- The County Extension Office offers free classes for residents related to small farm topics including growing vegetables and crops
- The County has an Ordinance that allows roadside vending of fresh produce
- The County Extension Office and Nassau County School Board host the "Eat Smart, Be Active" Class series which is designed to teach participants how to plan healthy snacks and meals, portion control, and how to keep food safe while storing
The County will be formally recognized by the Nassau County Health Department at the Wednesday, February 18th commencing at 9:00 a.m. As always, the public is invited to be present for this very special event.
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office