Today, workers arrived at the Road Department on Gene Lasserre Blvd. to find that someone had filled the County's bins with items that cannot be recycled. This included gas cans, cans of paint and 55 gallon barrels filled with household garbage!
PLEASE DO NOT PUT UNAPPROVED ITEMS IN THE RECYCLING BINS! Each bin has signs stating which recyclable items are allowed. Under no circumstances does that include household waste or hazardous materials such as gas and paint.
If you do not have garbage service, please be advised that household garbage is accepted at no-charge at the Convenience Recycling Center located at 46026 Landfill Rd. in Callahan. Paint can now be taken to this location as well year-round. You can also use kitty litter to dry out your paint and make it safe to toss in with your regular garbage. Other hazardous materials such as gasoline should be brought to one of our bi-annual recycling events. We held an event in April and are already planning the next event for October.
Public Works employees spent several hours today removing the non-recyclable items from the bin in an effort to save the items that can be recycled and prevent them from being tossed into a landfill. However, it was found many of the items were contaminated from spilled paint and can no longer be recycled.
-Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer