Now, two residents are sharing their stories about their personal experience with this program in order to spread awareness to other residents who may need home improvements but have no way to pay for the expenses to make the repairs themselves.
SHIP Success Story One
SHIP Success Story Two
The SHIP Program was established by the passage of the 1992 William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act and provides funding to local governments to produce and preserve affordable home ownership. In order to participate, counties must establish a local housing assistance program by Ordinance and develop a local housing assistance plan and housing incentive strategy. Funds are then allocated to local governments on a population based-formula. The funds are used for emergency repairs, new construction, rehabilitation, and down payment and closing cost assistance for very-low, low and moderate income families who meet all the requirements listed in Florida Statutes, Chapter 420.907, Florida Administrative Code 67-37, and Nassau County's Local Housing Assistance Plan.
For additional information about the SHIP Program including income requirements and associated guidelines, please visit our website. You may also contact the Grants Office at (904) 530-6020 or e-mail Carol Gilchrist at [email protected].
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office