Let’s go fishing!
Grab your rods and reels for two license-free fishing weekends. Recreational license-free fishing weekends are June 6-7 for saltwater fishing and June 13-14 for freshwater fishing. Take advantage of this opportunity to get out with loved ones and enjoy the outdoors in the Fishing Capital of the World! As always, keep an eye on the weather… especially since Cristobal may cause heavy rainfall in some areas of the state this weekend!
Licensing and Permitting Info: http://myfwc.com/license/
Fishing tips, locations and other information: http://myfwc.com/fishing/
Media release: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/FLFFWCC/bulletins/28f4264
If you’re heading out, be sure to keep yourself and others safe by practicing social distancing: https://bit.ly/2wwuJ2d