Chairman Leeper began by reading the Resolution and then asked each group to stand when called upon until everyone that provided assistance was recognized. There were hundreds of people in attendance, a majority of which were men and women in uniform from Nassau County Fire/Rescue, the Sheriff's Office, surrounding counties, cities and towns, State agencies from Florida and Georgia, and local volunteer fire departments. It was an amazing site to see! Chairman Leeper commended all safety personnel for all they did to keep the Bryceville residents safe, as well as for what they do to keep all the citizens safe on a daily basis. Chairman Leeper stated, "This is just a small token of appreciation for a job well done. Many times we tend to focus on loss, but let's celebrate what was saved".
Chairman Leeper then asked if anyone in the audience had any comments or stories they would like to share. First to appear at the podium was Emergency Management Director, Billy Estep, who commended emergency personnel and expressed his gratitude to the faith based groups and individuals who have been going to door to door to make sure unmet needs are being taken care of. He indicated that these efforts "speak volumes about our community". Pastor Terry Darby of the Bryceville First Baptist Church echoed Chairman Leeper's comments and said it was "truly amazing to see all the homes that were spared".
Next, Assistant Fire Chief, Scott Hemmingway, came forward to thank the Board for supporting Nassau County Fire/Rescue, and gave a special thank you to all the agencies that assisted Nassau County by sending first responders and for allowing us to utilize their equipment to contain the fire.
District Manager for the Florida Forest Service, Jennifer Hart, stated that the continued flow of response was a result of cross training and communication between the agencies. She thanked the Board for supporting training events that allow agencies to work together and to practice response techniques for a real emergency.
Last to approach the podium was Sheriff Bill Leeper who stated, "I truly appreciate all that these men and women have done. No one agency can do this alone and we are thankful for the surrounding agencies that lent their assistance".
The recognition ceremony reminded everyone in attendance that we are fortunate to live in a community where people are always willing to be above and beyond to help a neighbor in need. Board of County Commissioner meetings are recorded and can be streamed on the County's website. If you would like to watch this special recognition ceremony, please click here.
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office