Below are some safety tips recommended by the National Fire Protection Association:
- Install smoke detectors inside and outside of each bedroom
- Install smoke detectors on each level of the home
- Test smoke alarms at least once a month to insure they are working properly
- People who are hard of hearing should install special alarms with strobe lights and bed shakers
- Replace all smoke alarms every 10 years
Additionally, be sure that each member of your family understands the meaning of the alarm and how to evacuate safely. It is also a good idea to designate a meeting place outside of the home. Visit the National Fire Protection Association's website to build a fire escape plan for your family and to get tips on how to talk to your children about fire safety.
If you are in need of smoke detectors but cannot afford them, Nassau County Fire Rescue offers FREE smoke detectors to needy citizens in the unincorporated areas of the County. Simply fill out the attached application and return it to Nassau County Fire/Rescue Headquarters located at 96160 Nassau Place, Yulee, FL 32097. If accepted, Fire Inspector Jerry Marrison, will contact you to schedule a date and time for installation. For more information, you may reach Mr. Marrison at (904) 491-7525 or via e-mail at [email protected].
- Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office