"There are five main objectives in this report that are required by Florida Statute. The most important objective is for us to issue an opinion on the County's financial statements". He then went on to say that "Nassau County has received an "Unmodified Opinion" which is the highest level of assurance that an audit firm can provide on a County's financial statements." He further explained that an unmodified opinion means that there are no modifications needed to the Board's controls and processes.
Mr. Tucker also explained the 7 audit reports provided including reports on the Countywide statements, the Board of County Commissioners (stand alone) statements, and the statements on the five individual Constitutional Offices (Sheriff, Clerk of Courts, Tax Collector, Property Appraiser and Supervisor of Elections).
Chairman Klynt Farmer stated, "This is a testament to the Clerk's Office and the Office of Management & Budget and a testament of who we are, working for the people we serve. It means a lot to the community".
To view the presentation, please click here. The presentation was listed under "Tab B".
-Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer