County staff has been in contact with FDOT regarding the concerns of the citizens related to the conditions of SR200. In response, FDOT has stated the following, “Some issues were identified where the old lane markings were removed and now causing rough surfaces and the contractor will be addressing that as soon as possible. We have previously addressed and corrected the lack of reflective markers on the barrier walls and also grooved the surface around Thanksgiving. Although not a perfect solution, the roadway is safe for motorists to travel on. We have inspectors on site around the clock and they are responding to issues that they find immediately. The claim process for vehicle damages is the same (contact Odette Struysat (904)360-5582 or [email protected]). We cannot expend millions of unbudgeted taxpayer dollars to temporarily resurface the road just to tear it up again in a few months.”
FDOT also advised that only a handful of claims have been submitted. If you believe the construction has caused damage to your vehicle, please follow the established process to submit a claim. The County has requested a meeting with FDOT to discuss the project and how the state, the county, and the contractors can work together for the citizens.
In addition, Nassau County will continue to keep the Citizens informed through our website and Facebook page of any lane closures that will occur due to the construction, as well as any updates we receive from FDOT related to the project.
Megan Sawyer
County Manager’s Office