Emergency Management FB Post at 9:00 a.m.
Wondering what you'll see when you try to get an e-Ticket to make an appointment on www.OneNassau.com? (Getting an e-Ticket emailed to you reserves one of the limited vaccine doses for you. After you have that, instructions on the ticket will tell you how to schedule your appointment date/time.)
Attached to this post are screenshots of:
1) the OneNassau information you need to read before you reserve a dose of vaccine (request an e-Ticket)
2) the EventBrite page you will see to register for an e-Ticket
3) a copy of the email with the e-Ticket you will receive.
Please make certain you have read the documents describing the ingredients of the Moderna Vaccine, What to Expect, and the Screening & Consent Form thoroughly and confirm that you can take the shot before reserving a dose.
There is no need to sit at your computer to monitor our website.
When new appointment slots are opened each day, a text alert will be sent to everyone who has signed up for notifications (by texting the word NASSAUSAFE to the number 888777.)
If you have read everything, printed and signed your informed consent, then once notified, you can go online and click the GET A TICKET link.
That will take you to the EventBrite site. (NOTE: You do NOT need to create an "EventBrite Account" to select the event and get an e-Ticket.)
On the EventBrite site, select our Nassau County Vaccinations event, and follow the instructions to enter your name, phone number, and email address for the e-Ticket.
(If there is NO vaccination event on EventBrite, all of the tickets in this allotment have been claimed - individuals are still entering their information for the tickets in "pending mode" - that's why you were still able to get to the page. You'll need to wait until the next allotment.)
Once your e-Ticket is emailed to you, relax! A dose and an appointment slot have been reserved for you. The e-ticket has the information about calling to schedule the specific time and date.
When you go to your appointment, take all required documentation with you! Your appointment for the required second vaccination will be scheduled during your first appointment.
Issues will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Please be patient! Manufacturers are making and shipping vaccine all around the world every day. More vaccine will be allocated to Nassau County and everyone who wants to get vaccinated will be vaccinated (but not everyone at the same time, and not everyone can be "highest priority") If you have specific individual questions, please call the Emergency Operations Center at 548-0900 to speak with a call-taker.
Keep washing your hands, avoiding close contact with non-household members, covering your coughs, cleaning/disinfecting touched surfaces, and reducing the spread of respiratory viruses! Vaccine is just ONE layer of infection control measures.