We would like to extend our gratitude to the Eight Flags Jeep Club. Through the non-profit organization, Keep Nassau Beautiful, the Jeep Club has adopted the stretch between Buccaneer Trail and 14th Street and they clean this segment of roadway at least 4x per year. Their last clean-up event was held this week and they removed 480 pounds of trash from the side of the road. We appreciate all their hard work and their commitment to keeping our community clean and litter free.
Littering continues to be a huge problem in Nassau County. Countless hours are spent annually by County staff cleaning up trash. This is in addition to all the clean-up events organized by Keep Nassau Beautiful and organizations/individuals that volunteer their time to cleaning up garbage on a regular basis. If you're interested in learning how you can help with this very important environmental issue or if you're interested in adopting a highway, please reach out to Keep Nassau Beautiful at (904) 261-0165.
-Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer
P.S. Volunteers adhered to safety guidelines by practicing safe distancing, wearing masks and utilizing sanitation supplies during the event. Masks were removed momentarily for the photo.