The students were asked to identify services and answer questions related to the operations of the County. The students did a great job and were very knowledgeable about services and facilities provided by the Board. They were also able to have dialog with the County Manager about the Board's challenges and limitations, as well as plans for future growth. They were a very impressive group of students!
Government Day is designed to provide the students with a greater understanding of the dynamics and role of government within the County and the Municipalities. In addition to their interaction with County Manager, Shanea Jones, the students met Nassau County Tax Collector, John Drew, School Board Superintendent, Dr. Kathy Burns, and a representative of the Supervisor of Elections Office. The students participated in a mock election and learned how to vote.
Youth Leadership Nassau is a program of the Nassau County Extension Office as part of their Youth Development Services. All 10th and 11th graders with a "B" or better Grade Point Average are eligible to apply. The objective is to provide the participants with an understanding of the problems, opportunities and issues facing our community while developing their leadership skills. In addition to government day, other areas of focus include environmental day, law enforcement day, leadership, life skills, and arts.
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office