Nassau County has been awarded a grant from the Florida Department of Health to purchase upgraded reporting software. This new software will improve the department’s ability to report call data to the state in the most current format. The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Data Collection Grant will improve and update Nassau County Fire Rescue's reporting system to meet the criteria needed for the State's Emergency Medical Services Tracking and Reporting System (EMSTARS). Participation in the EMSTARS system is voluntary, however many EMS providers have chosen to participate in this data exchange system for collection of incident level data from other EMS agencies and subsequent analysis for identifying quality improvement initiatives.
Chief Brady Rigdon stated, "NCFR is excited about this grant award. Prior to this award, we were planning to submit this item for consideration in the upcoming budget to improve our reporting capability. We are looking forward to making the reporting process smoother and being better informed about EMS trends across the state by having access to up to date statewide data. Thanks to Chief Roland and Constance Holmes for working diligently to get the application submitted accurately and on time."
After reviewing several products, NCFR selected Image Trend Software as their product format appeared to be best for capturing and storing vital records. Additionally, its features will allow EMS personnel to send information to emergency departments to provide notice that a patient is enroute, thus ensuring the hospital or care center is ready to accept the patient and continue their care as quickly as possible.
The initial cost of the software is $29,467.36 and is fully reimbursable by the grant. The Board of County Commissioners accepted the grant at the April 22, 2019 meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact Nassau County Fire/Rescue at (904) 530-6600.
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office