Nomination Period: July 24, 2021 through December 31, 2021
The Nassau County Conservation Land Acquisition and Management (CLAM) program was created to preserve and conserve the county’s natural, historic, and working lands resources by identifying, ranking, and assessing conservation lands for acquisition and management.
The County shall accept nominations of properties for potential acquisition by the County through the CLAM Program from any person or organization, including the County, nonprofit organizations, and local, regional, state, or federal governmental entities. To nominate a property for potential acquisition, the nominator shall submit an application to the Nassau County Planning Department. Nominators may nominate an entire parcel for acquisition in fee simple or only a specific portion thereof or interest therein. In nominating properties, nominators should consider, at a minimum, the information contained in the Conservation Plan, the CLAM Resource Rankings Map, and the CLAM Manual.
Nominations must be received by the Nassau County Planning Department no later than 5:00 pm on Friday, December 31, 2021. Nominations received after the nomination period will not be considered. CLAM documents and nomination forms can be found at the following link or can be picked up and dropped off in person at the address listed below:
Nassau County Planning Department
96161 Nassau Place
Yulee, Florida 32097