Sabrina Robertson
Administrative Manager, County Manager’s Office
(904) 530-6010
[email protected]
Community Meeting Regarding the Pages Dairy Road Resurfacing and Widening Project
Nassau County, Florida, July 26, 2019 – Nassau County Engineering Services will be hosting a community meeting on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the Pages Dairy Road Project which will consist of widening, resurfacing, addition of bike lanes and other related improvements from Felmor Road to Chester Road. During the community meeting, the County will provide an overview on all the improvements that will be made and will also be seeking input from property owners in the Pages Dairy area on a commencement date.
As you may be aware, the County secured grant funding totaling $1.25 million from the Florida Department of Transportation to assist with construction costs. The State officially added the project to their 5-Year Work Program in March of 2015 for funding to be available to the County in 2020.
Since that time, the State began construction on State Road 200 and traffic on Pages Diary has increased as motorists have tried to avoid the construction on SR 200. We have reached FDOT's 5-year mark and are eligible for reimbursements to begin work now. Additionally, the project must be completed by December 2021, or the County will lose all the grant funding needed to complete the project.
There are concerns about having Pages Dairy Road under construction at the same time as the State Road 200 construction project. We are seeking input from the residents as to whether they wish to have this project delayed until after State Road 200 is completed (summer of 2020) or if they wish to have the Pages Dairy Road work done at night. We specifically want to hear from residents that reside in the Pages Dairy Road area as they are the ones who will be most affected. Though nighttime work is more convenient for motorists traveling through the area, residents living near the area may experience increased noise, ground vibrations, lighting from equipment, and other effects caused by construction.
The meeting will take place in the Commission Chambers located at 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee, FL 32097 (James Page Governmental Complex). We look forward to seeing you there!
If you have any questions, please contact our Interim County Engineer, Robert Companion, at (904) 530-6225 or via email at [email protected].