The section of Blackrock Rd approximately 400 feet north of State Road 200 will be closed beginning Friday, March 23rd at 9:00 a.m. through 6:00 a.m. on Monday, March 26th. This section of Blackrock Road is part of the final construction design for State Road 200 reconstruction and the closure will allow Superior Construction to excavate, install and backfill the storm drainage pipe. Additionally, existing asphalt will be removed and lime rock base will be re-graded to match the proposed plan profile. Once the base is at grade, structural asphalt will be added to complete this portion of roadway.
A detour has been established utilizing Chester Road and Herons Isles Parkway. Message boards have been placed at the proposed locations in accordance with the Florida Department of Transportation standards. Attached is a detour map for your information.
All questions should be directed to FDOT's Public Information Officer, Odette Struys, at (904) 360-5582 or via email at [email protected].
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office