Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer
(904) 530-6010
[email protected]
Brian Simmons Appointed to North Florida Procurement Association’s Board of Directors
Nassau County, Florida, February 3, 2021 – Last month, Brian Simmons was appointed to the North Florida Procurement Association’s Board of Directors. Mr. Simmons is the Procurement Manager for the Board of County Commissioners and has been employed by the County since October 2020.
As Procurement Manager, Mr. Simmons ensures that departments under the Board are purchasing products and services at the best possible price and in compliance with the County’s adopted Purchasing Policy. He also reviews all bids, quotes and proposals necessary to award contracts and serves as a liaison between the Board’s departments and vendors.
As a member of the NFPA Board of Directors, Mr. Simmons will join other procurement professionals from the region in development of training sessions and coordination of trade shows were members can meet vendors and develop relationships that benefit their individual organizations. He will also assist in gathering and publishing contractual information on formally procured contracts awarded by member agencies. This allows local government entities to see prices other entities were able to secure for products and services so they can “piggyback” off those contracts to secure the same prices without having to go through their own bid process, saving them both time and money.
Upon being appointed, Mr. Simmons stated, “Our goal is to help the County be the best possible stewards of our residents’ tax dollars. This opportunity allows us to work even more closely with government and industry thought leaders in and around northeast Florida who can contribute to the goals and initiatives that are already enabling us to improve our service to County departments and, and by extension, our residents”.
The NFPA Board of Directors meets monthly in various locations throughout the region. However, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the group is meeting virtually until further notice.
If you have any questions related to purchases under the Board of County Commissioners, please call (904) 530-6040. To view the Board’s currently advertised bids or to register as a vendor to be notified of future needs, please visit the Purchasing webpage at https://www.nassaucountyfl.com/280/Contract-Management-Purchasing.