Sabrina Robertson
Administrative Manager, County Manager’s Office
(904) 530-6010
[email protected]
Board Schedules Workshop Session Regarding Growth
Nassau County, Florida, March 5, 2020 – At the February 20, 2020 Board of County Commissioners meeting, County Attorney/County Manager, Mike Mullin, requested the Board to set a Workshop Session to discuss examples of how growth is addressed.
Mr. Mullin stated, “Everyone is aware that growth is an issue and staff has been developing ways to control and manage it”.
The County’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan and Ordinances established tools for properly managing growth.
Examples include the following:
- The Recreation and Public Space Element which encourages public-private partnerships for funding and construction of parks and recreational facilities for Nassau County residents.
- The Transportation Element which encourages the use of strategies to reduce traffic impacts and enhance traffic flow, accessibility and safety of the County transportation system. Examples include traffic signal upgrades, lighting improvements, signage and pavement striping, expanded turn lanes, etc. Development shall also include paved shoulders and sidewalks which connect to the County’s transportation system to encourage bicycle use and pedestrian movement to minimize utilization of the major roadways.
- The Public School Facilities Element requires developers to provide off-site improvements, signalization, signage, sidewalks and bicycle paths to serve the schools and mandates that the development pays its share of capital costs to accommodate the increase to school capacity.
Mr. Mullin went on to say, “While we cannot legally stop growth, we can plan for it by ensuring that the property is reviewed for historical values before a development is approved, that the proposed structures are aesthetically pleasing, and that recreational facilities are in place before construction on a development begins.”
Mr. Mullin suggested a Workshop Session be held to provide the public with information on what the County is doing to manage growth and the challenges we have in controlling it. The Board will also discuss the new trend of public/private partnerships that are being utilized to ensure the County has facilities and infrastructure in place to accommodate the growth. Examples include the recently approved Tributary and Nassau Crossing Communities in which the Developers donated land and covered costs associated with constructing parks to be enjoyed by all Nassau County residents.
The Workshop will be held on Monday, March 23, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers located at 96135 Nassau Place, Yulee, FL 32097. The public is encouraged to attend and learn more about this very important issue. If you are unable to attend, you can watch the meeting live on our website at The video will also be available to view at the conclusion of the meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact the County Manager’s Office at (904) 530-6010.