Mr. Green is a life-long resident of Fernandina Beach who faced adversity and challenges throughout his childhood and later turned to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism. After finding himself jobless and homeless on many occasions, Mr. Green finally hit rock bottom in July 1988 and made the decision to get sober. Since that time, he has used his experiences to help others who struggle with addiction. He took a job as an Addiction Specialist at Charter by the Sea and became a regular speaker at universities and conferences throughout the southeast, sharing his story of addiction and recovery. He started the first Narcotics Anonymous meeting in Fernandina Beach and hosted the first Narcotics Anonymous Luau which remains a popular community event to this day.
In 2014, Mr. Green founded and incorporated the New Found Freedom House and opened three homes to help recovering addicts get back on their feet. He provides them with food, clothing and shelter and uses his knowledge to help them overcome their own addictions. Several current and past participants of Mr. Green's program were in attendance at the meeting and spoke about the love and compassion shown to them by Mr. Green. It was a very touching moment to see the impact he has made on residents right here in Nassau County.
The Board of County Commissioners commends Mr. Henry Green for overcoming adversity and using his personal experiences to help others. We extend our best wishes to Mr. Green and his mission to help addicts "find freedom, restore dignity, and live life".
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office