Board Adopts New Pavement Management Plan
Nassau County, Florida, August 26, 2021 – In September 2020, the County secured RoadBotics, an enterprise firm specializing in road and infrastructure assessments, to conduct an unbiased survey of all the County’s existing 437 miles of paved roads and to provide feedback on current conditions. This information was used to develop a new, robust Pavement Management Plan that will guide the County in preventative maintenance.
The firm utilized their interactive, online platform and advanced data collection tool to record virtual imagery of each of the existing paved roads. The imagery was then uploaded to their RoadSense app which used an algorithm to identify deficiencies in the roadways. The roadways were then scored based on condition, with the best roadways scoring a 1.00 and the worst scoring a 5.0. The projects with the highest scores are typically placed with the highest priority in the Pavement Management Plan. However, roadways classified as Collector Roadways (low-to-moderate capacity roads which serve to move traffic from local streets and arterial roads) will be given priority over local roadway classifications where condition scores tie.
At the August 22, 2021, the Board adopted the new Pavement Management Plan utilizing a 22-year cycle for ranking, prioritizing, and budgeting purposes. The Plan is expected to require a minimum of $3.9 million annually (in today’s dollars), however this amount may fluctuate based on the value of the U.S. dollar, prevailing wages, and cost of raw material.
Based on current maintenance purview and previous funding, each paved County roadway could only be resurfaced every 86 years. However, under the new Pavement Management Plan, the County
will be able to resurface an estimated 18-20 miles of roadway annually.
Another exciting feature of this new Plan is that the County can now utilize the RoadSense app to reassess roadways periodically and update plans for maintenance as needed. The interactive mapping software can determine if a roadway condition score is dropping notably and whether or not it requires resurfacing sooner than originally anticipated.
Upon approval of the new Pavement Management Plan, County Manager, Taco Pope, stated, “This Plan not only improves quality of life by having the roads resurfaced more frequently, the County benefits from a fiscal sustainability standpoint as well. One of the biggest problems jurisdictions face is the inability to maintain their infrastructure. You all (the Board) should be very proud that you have a proactive approach to pavement management. Nassau County is moving in a very positive direction”.
A complete list of roadways and their ranking on the Pavement Management Plan can be found on our official website at Select Engineering from the departments tab and then select “Capital Improvement Projects”.
If you have any questions, please contact County Engineer, Robert Companion, at (904) 530-6225 or via e-mail at [email protected].