The plumbing issue has been resolved and the restrooms at Peters Point are now fully functional. Public Works personnel will be back on site next week to re-pour sidewalks and apply hydroseed. If you have any questions, please contact Facilities Maintenance at (904) 530-6120.
12/7/21 @ 2:30 p.m. - Please be advised that the restrooms at Peters Point are temporarily out of service. There is a clog to the main sewer line and the County has been working diligently all day to repair it. It is unknown at this time how long they will be out, however we will make an announcement as soon as the repair is complete. Two port-a-potties are being placed on site temporarily to serve the public in meantime. If you have any questions, please contact Facilities Maintenance at (904) 530-6120.
-Sabrina Robertson
Public Information Officer