Media Contact:
Thad Crowe
Director, PEO Department
(904) 530-6300
[email protected]
Nassau County, Florida, November 23, 2020 - On November 23, 2020, the County's planning staff were informed by the applicants of Application Nos. NOPC20-002 and FD20-008 were withdrawing the items from consideration at the December 1, 2020 Planning & Zoning Board Meeting and the December 14 Board of County Commissioners meeting.
NOPC20-002 was a proposed resolution amending the Development Order for the Summer Beach DRI; providing for a maximum of 7,000 square feet of commercial and office space and 24 multifamily residential units on Parcel D-1 (5456 First Coast Hwy.).
(Note: at present, Resolution 2007-105 allows for up to 25,000 square feet of commercial and office space and 16 residential units on this site).
The amendment would also have adjusted minimum setbacks and included a statement that the buffer along the southern boundary line must meet current County standards for separation of incompatible uses and shown on the Final Development Plan.
FD20-008 was a proposed final development plan for Parcel D-1, allowing for 4,500 square feet of commercial and office space and 24 multifamily residential units at this location.
Both items were withdrawn from consideration by the applicants on Monday, November 23, 2020.
The Nassau County Planning and Economic Opportunity Department is charged with leading long-range and current planning for the community, with a focus on technical planning, implementation and management of the Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan, development and site plan review, and assistance to citizens, the Board of County Commissioners, County Manager and other staff, advisory boards, government agencies, and the private sector regarding growth and development in Nassau County. For more information on our Plan, Code, or current initiatives, visit, call (904) 530-6300 or email [email protected].