Beach Driving
Effective as of 11:00 a.m. today, no additional vehicular traffic shall access any beach areas in the unincorporated areas of Nassau County. Vehicles currently on the beach may remain in place until 5:00 p.m. today. Once a vehicle exits the beach, re-entry is not allowed. Beach access points where driving is normally allowed will have barriers in place and will be monitored by the Sheriff's Office.
Beach Camping
Effective today at 5:00 p.m., no camping or sleeping on the unincorporated beaches will be allowed. This includes tents, blankets, towels or any similar item used for camping.
Beach use
Individuals are allowed on the beach, subject to restrictions, and shall adhere to CDC guidelines to limit gathering to ten (10) people or less in a group. The Sheriff's Office shall have the authority to issue orders to beach users violating the provisions of this order, including order to remove themselves from the beach. Failure to remove themselves will constitute a trespass and is a second-degree misdemeanor.
Beach Parking Lots/Accesses
Currently, beach accesses/parking lots are fully open. The County Manager and Emergency Management shall have the authority to issue further restrictions as to the beach, including use of beach parking areas. Signage will be utilized, when possible, to notify users of the restrictions.
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office