High School Senior, Annie Iannotti, was doing chores when she noticed smoke coming from her neighbor's house. She grabbed her medical kit that she received during her two years of YET training and sprung into action by tending to animals that were removed from the home by rescue personnel.
Annie credits the YET Program for providing her life-saving skills and confidence that she was capable of making a difference. The YET Program consists of 25 hours of training over three months, taught by local emergency personnel. Participants receive a variety of hands-on training and practice through simulated emergency situations such as fires, search and rescue, CPR, etc. At the completion of the program, participants share their new skills with the community by doing a public outreach presentation or creating a public service announcement video.
For additional information about 4-H Programs, including YET, contact Kelsey Irvine, Extension Agent I/-H Youth Development, at (904) 530-6353 or via email at [email protected]. You can also find information here on the County Extension's website.
-Sabrina Robertson
County Manager's Office
Note: All photos taken prior to national guidelines for face coverings and social distancing